So, MAX WEIGHT! There was a moment…I think it was about 3 weeks ago when I knew that my decadent, “damn the calories, full steam ahead” lifestyle was in jeopardy. It needed to be; my girth continually caused me pain. I actually got winded tying my shoes. I broke a sweat while peeling a banana. My memory-foam mattress wanted nothing more than to forget. While I hadn’t reached my all-time physical fitness low, I’d painfully bounced off the walls on my rapid decent to rock bottom. As noted, it was almost a month ago but that was around the beginning of December and no one, at least no one with a body fat percentage above his age, makes major dietary changes over the holidays. So, with the support of my wife, I soldiered on, consuming like every meal was my last. No doubt, it was awesome in the same way a snake devouring an almost too big guinea pig is awesome. When the end of the month rolled around, I was ready. I probably packed on another 10 lbs. in just two weeks. I needed to take a break halfway through rolling out of bed.
On Jan 2nd I knocked the cobwebs off my commuter and started my 1st significant ride in months. My heart complained a little. It had to push my blood, which I am sure had the consistency of fresh poured milkshake, around my rotund frame. But it was a good ride. Short but only because it was SO DAMN COLD (somewhere around 29o F). I am back on the bike and headed for a new year of riding.
Author’s addendum (7/10/2020): I hadn’t read this post in a while. As I reexamined what I wrote, I wondered what my MAX WEIGHT was over nine years ago and I wondered why I hadn’t included it. It probably had to do with my own embarrassment or vanity. I’m older now and, with age, comes a richly satisfying “I no longer care” attitude. Regarding the actual number, not that anyone would be surprised, I keep a log of all my weights. On January3rd, 2011 I weighed 261.6 lbs. I don’t know what I was expecting. So, yep, that’s a big number for me. I’m going to keep coming back to those precise digits in future blog entries. For now I’ll just say, that specific number from that specific day nine years ago is a lot for me to unpack. Way too much to unpack in this little author’s addendum.