Just finished the 1st week at the new job. It was fun and stressful. I know…strange combo. Right out of the gate I’ve been very involved in the creative process around the office; writing lectures, reworking quizzes, providing input on policy changes, etc. But my role as a newbie and observer is very apparent — no one is patronizing me but I can appreciate that my introduction to the program is similar to a slow slide into a hot bath. Not too fast or I, along with everyone else, may get burned. But I am already feeling useful and that is nice. I’ve had to work late three of the five nights and that came as bit of a shock. I am going to miss those early quitting times at the clinic and my position has gone from one of power to one of compliance and duty. Furthermore, my current situation isn’t going to change anytime soon…I don’t think they are warming up the corner office for me. But that is good. I like the fact that my focus is precise; I do not have to worry about any of the “grand undertakings” I had to constantly consider before.
As far as cycling goes – I rode to work 4 out of the 5 days this week. The round-trip from home to work and back again clocks in at just under 8 miles. This is ok right now because I’m riding in the dark when I leave in the morning and when I go home at night. Not a huge issue — I am equipped with lights and a shiny jacket — but I would feel better in the daylight. Evening riding close to rush hour is always sketchy. Concerning the distance and looking at the big picture, this distance won’t be enough to prepare me for the the big scheduled rides, like the Seattle-to-Portland. I know that I will need to start adding distance as the weather warms up and the sun starts setting later. But the bottom line: I feel better already because I am back in the saddle — WooT!